Following the broad sweep of history and answering the questions: What is true? What is important? What, now, shall we do?
Desire /3
My Lord God,I have no idea where I am going.I do not see the road ahead of me.I cannot know for certain where it will end,nor do I really know myself. And the fact that I think I am following Your will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe that the...
Desire /2
I always stay close to you,and you hold me by the hand.You guide me with your instructionand at the end you will receive me with honor.Who do I have in heaven but you?And I desire nothing on earth but you.My mind and my body may grow weak,but God is the strength of my...
Desire /1
Dear Lord,Whatever it is I desire, may I desire You more.Whatever I seek, may I seek You more.Whatever I love, may I love You more.May You be more to me than anything in this world. Origin unknown
The Road of Life
Dither not. Make a decision. The road of life is paved with flat squirrels who couldn't make a decision.
Mercy And Grace
Mercy is God withholding judgment we deserve. Grace is His giving us blessings we don’t deserve. If God gave us all we deserved, we would be condemned for eternity. See Cain, Moses, David, Jonah, Saul, the adulteress woman, the prodigal son. Gratitude is a human...
Jesus At The Center Of It All
O GOD, Thy main plan, and the end of Thy will, is to make Christ glorious and beloved in Heaven where He is now ascended. Where one day all the elect will behold His glory and love and glorify Him for ever. Though here I love Him but little, may this be my portion at...
The Great I Am
Nothing exceeds Thy power. Nothing is too great for Thee to do. Nothing too good for Thee to give. Infinite is Thy might. Boundless Thy love. Limitless Thy grace. Glorious Thy saving name. Adapted, The Valley of Vision, Arthur Bennett (1915 - 1994)
Saint Or Sinner?
For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God. Roman's 3:23 ASV A saint is a sinner who keeps trying. The struggle is a sign of holiness. Paraphrased, uncertain attribution. Sometimes attributed to St. Josemaria Escriva (1902 - 1975)
Copping An Attitude
Attitude is everything. Pick a good one.
The Lord Is Good
Sing to the LORD, all the world!Worship the LORD with joy; come before Him with happy songs!Acknowledge that the LORD is God.He made us, and we belong to Him; we are His people, we are His flock.Enter the Temple gates with thanksgiving; go into its courts with...
Christ The Word
In a world of created, changeable things, Christ and His Word alone remain unshaken. Oh to forsake all things of this world, to rest as a stone on Him the foundation. To abide in Him. To be borne up by Him. Adapted, The Valley of Vision, Arthur Bennett (1915 - 1994)
Bad Things. Good People.
A frequent question asked about the God of The Bible is "Why does God allow bad things to happen to His people?" Many answers are proffered, not all of which provide comfort in times of trial and trouble. We like John MacArthur's explication: God allows bad things to...
No Escape
Let not our epitaph be: Here lies one against his will. It is our duty as believers to be prepared to endure any hardship and trial which God lays out for us in our Christian walk. Just as Christ’s whole body was lifted up on the cross, no member of His can expect to...
Take Up Your Cross
Christ gives the believer a cross to take-up before He gives him a crown to wear. God calls His redeemed ones to prepare not only for service, but also for suffering: “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me”...
Who Am I?
I am your constant companion. I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden. I will push you onward or drag you down to failure. I am completely at your command. Half of the things you do you might as well turn over to me and I will do them - quickly and correctly. I...
Mistaken Identity
Some of the biggest cases of mistaken identity are among intellectuals who have trouble remembering that they are not God. @thomassowell
All Hat And No Cattle
All talk and no walk.
A Prayer For The Sabbath: Man’s Great End
LORD OF ALL BEING, there is one thing that deserves my greatest attention, that calls forth my fervent desire. It is that I may answer the great end for which I am made: to glorify You who has given me being, and to do all the good I can for my fellow man. Indeed,...
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