Biblical Truth Or Woke Truth?

For the Christian, something is true not because of our background, cultural standing, or lack of privilege. Something is true because it accords with the Word of God; “Truth is truth, whether I experience it or not. The Lord does not need my experience to validate...

When In Doubt /4

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 ESV, NKJV From the #whenindoubt series /4

The Flight From Beauty

Beauty is a value as important as truth or goodness. The loss of the virtues of truth and goodness has been accompanied by a flight from beauty. Things of beauty can provide consolation in sorrow and affirmation in joy. We can look on the worlds of art, architecture,...

All Bets Are Off /4

“Western civilization is in a profound state of decadence and ruin. Like Notre-Dame cathedral, it is crumbling. It has lost its reason for being: to show forth and lead others to God.” (Note 1) Why are societies falling apart? The elemental reason is that...