An Anthem Of Thanksgiving

For the Believer, thanksgiving is a permanent condition of the heart. Here is our anthem this Thanksgiving morning: Make a joyful noise to the Lord all the earth!Serve the Lord with gladness!Come into His presence with singing. Know that the Lord, He is God!It is He...

A Thankful List

We have much to be thankful for. Friends. Family. Church families. Food on our plates. Sunshine. Bicycles. Laughter. Turducken. Books. Coffee. Voices who speak and write wisdom. Music. Work. Kingdom work. Because of God’s love and out of His abundance we could...

On Gratitude And Love This Thanksgiving Week

A Debt Of Gratitude Thanksgiving is a debt. It is something we owe. When we bring our thanks before God, we are recognizing Him as the source of every blessing, every protection, every heartbeat, every rescue from every trial, even when His chosen form of deliverance...