Words Of The Way, Obedience

We must obey God rather than people. Acts 5:29b. CSB There is time only for obedience. Obedience means never settling in your walk with God. Never letting Him show you a truth that you don’t immediately begin to live up to. Three attributes of never settling: Face the...

As He Is Holy, Let Us Be Also

Remember the Sabbath day, and keep it holy. Exodus 20:8 NRSV We have said it before. It is worthy of repeating. We do not rest on the Sabbath so we can work during the week. We work during the week so we can rest and refresh our souls on the Sabbath. Celebrating the...

Obedience Brings The Breakthrough (1)

Look, the Ark of the Covenant, which belongs to the Lord of the whole earth, will lead you across the Jordan River. Joshua, circa 1406 BC (Joshua 3:11 NLT) After living in Egyptian bondage and wandering the desert for forty years, the people of Israel turned to God...

Important Decision?

When faced with important decisions the first question we need to ask is: “What will be pleasing to God?”