God took the first step to rescue us from this corrupt world. By His divine power, He has given us everything we need for living a godly life. He has done all this for a reason: that we might participate in His own nature and reflect His own life.
We are not to be passive observers of God’s saving actions. Don’t lose a minute in building on what you’ve been given, complementing your basic faith with moral excellence (good character), knowledge (spiritual understanding), self-control (alert discipline), patient endurance (passionate patience), godliness (reverent wonder), brotherly affection (warm friendliness), and love for everyone (generous love). Each dimension fitting into and developing the others.
The more you go on in this way, the more you will grow strong spiritually and become fruitful and useful to our Lord Jesus Christ. But if you don’t have these qualities, then you will be nearsighted and blind, forgetting that your past sins have been washed away.
Paraphrased, 2 Peter (Simon) 1:3-9