Pride and Humility – Humilitas /2

Mar 14, 2023

The pride of mankind will be brought low, and human loftiness will be humbled; the Lord alone will be exalted on that day.” Isaiah 2:17 HCSB

God opposes the sin of pride almost more than any other sin. Why? He hates pride because it gets in the way of our proper relationship with Him. Pride is giving ourselves the credit for something that God has accomplished. It is self-worship over God-worship.

There is a difference between the kind of pride that God hates and the pride we can feel about a job well done or pride over the accomplishment of those we love. The sin of pride stems from self-righteousness or conceit.

The opposite of pridefulness is humility. It is what God says about us that makes the difference: “When someone boasts about himself and how well he has done, it doesn’t count for much. But when the Lord commends him, that’s different.” 2 Corinthians 10:18 TLB

One of the greatest works of grace in the heart is to humble our pride. Charles Spurgeon (1834 – 1892)



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