An epiphany is a sudden, unexpected perception or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something. A glimpse of the way things should be. An encouraging word. An obvious truth.
Last week, in celebration of Pride Month, the United States of America flew the LGBT rainbow flag at our Embassy at The Vatican This was a sorry act of identity politics and an unnecessary Sovereign affront.
Some truth was badly needed. For us it came with this description of how a nation that believes in God behaves:
“In the Bahamas, Christ directly informs our culture, our rules, and our social mandates. Religion is not shied away from; it’s not hidden. Christ drives our social patterns. Consequently, Bahamians usually start their relationship with God in their home church. Those foundations support and extend our Christian lineage, and they set the tone for our lives.” (Note 1)
This Bahamian Tone represents the eternal rules of order and right ordained by Heaven itself. They set out the way things work. Apart from alignment with this reality, chaos ensues. Exhibit A to this Truth is the world around us today.
Note 1: The 2% Way, Myron L Rolle, Bahamian, Rhodes Scholar, NFL Player, Neurosurgeon, Author