If you believe you can be your own God, that your rights come from man or government, then move along, there is nothing to see here.
If, on the other hand, you glimpse even a flash of the majesty of our Creator, or if you think there must be more than this, some meaning and purpose to all this, then start here: This is the Sabbath. Here is what God says about His day:
“Treat the Sabbath as sacred and refrain from doing whatever you want on that day. Enjoy the Sabbath, speaking of it with delight as the LORD’s holy day. Value and honor it by refusing business as usual, the making of money, the running here and there. Then you will find the joy that comes from serving Me. And I’ll make you ride high and soar above it all, and you will feast on the inheritance of your ancestor Jacob. Thus saith the Lord.” Isaiah 58:13-14 [Paraphrased]
If we remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy, we shall have the comfort and profit of it, and have reason to say, it is good to draw near to God.