Praise Him, sun and moon; praise Him, all you twinkling stars! Praise Him, you highest heavens, and you waters above the heavens! Psalm 148:3-4
Everything that God made bears witness to His majesty, sovereignty, and magnificence. He hung the stars, and they, too, sing their songs of praise to Him.
But it’s not just a cosmic thing. The whole earth is in the mix. The writer of Psalm 148 left no stone unturned in describing a symphony of epic proportions, one composed of colossal pulsars and mammoth whales, crashing waves and laughing children, tiny birds that flap and flutter, and everything else that comes from the hand of God.
Join in the symphony of the greatest song ever sung. Let your life proclaim the majesty and holiness of God with fervor and joy.
Pray: God, tune my heart to the song of the universe you created, of the stars that ceaselessly shout Your wonder and majesty.
Adapted, Grace and Glory, Louie Giglio