A Prayer to God, The Holy Trinity

Feb 15, 2025

O LORD JESUS, let me have ears to hear. Fill me with thy Spirit that my abiding awareness of Him continually pushes itself to the forefront of my life. I am blind. Send Him that I might see; that in my darkness He might say, ‘Let there be light’.

Send Him as the searcher of my heart, to show me more of my corruptions and helplessness that I may flee to Thee, cling to Thee, and abide in Thee as the beginning and end of my salvation.

May I never vex Him by my indifference and waywardness, grieve Him by my cold welcome, resist Him by my hard rebellion.

O HOLY SPIRIT, Thou who proceeds from the Father and the Son, have mercy on me. Move, I pray Thee, upon my disordered heart. Take away the infirmities of unruly desires and hatefulness. Lift the mists and darkness of unbelief. Brighten my soul with the pure light of truth. Make it as fragrant as the garden of Paradise, rich with every good fruit, beautiful with heavenly grace, radiant with rays of divine light.

Fulfill in me the glory of Thy divine offices. Be my comforter, light, guide, sanctifier. Take of the things of Christ and show them to my soul, that through Thee I may daily learn more of His love, grace, compassion, faithfulness, beauty. Selah.

Lead me to the cross and show me His wounds, the hateful nature of evil, and the power of Satan. May I see my own sins in

the nails that transfixed Him,
the cords that bound Him,
the thorns that tore Him,
the sword that pierced Him. Selah.

Help me to find in His death the reality and immensity of His love. Open for me the wondrous volumes of truth in His, ‘It is finished’. Increase my faith in the clear knowledge of my debt paid, my sins forgiven, my soul saved, hell vanquished, heaven opened, and eternity made mine.

O Holy Spirit, suffer no devil’s device to beguile or deceive me. Deepen in me these saving lessons. Write them upon my heart, that my walk be sin-fleeing, Christ-loving, and God-glorifying.


Adapted from The Valley of Vision, Arthur Bennett, evangelist, pastor, author (1915 – 1994)