How Do You Know If You’re A Christian?

You used to be a slave of sin. Now you are a servant of righteousness. Romans 6:18. Sometimes people try to reach back and remember what they felt at some moment when they prayed a prayer or walked an aisle and felt an emotional attachment to Jesus. They think their...


The fruit of the Spirit grows only in the garden of obedience. J. C. Ryle (1816 – 1900)

Assume The Position: Gratitude

It’s Thanksgiving Day in America. No matter whether it is Thanksgiving Day where you are or not, this is the day the Lord has made. The appropriate position is one of gratitude. Gratitude for God’s grace and faithfulness in our day to day lives. And...

Wiggle Room

There is no wiggle room: You must forgive one another just as the Lord has forgiven you. Colossians 3:13b GNT

Your Mission

Today, your mission is to keep the nincompoopery to a minimum.