Thursday Worship: With Humility

What shall I bring to the Lord, the God of heaven, when I come to worship him? Shall I bring the best calves to burn as offerings to him? Will the Lord be pleased if I bring him thousands of sheep or endless streams of olive oil? Shall I offer him my first-born child...

Tuesday Worship: Offer Ourselves Completely To The Lord

My Christian friends, God has been very kind to us. Because of that, I really want you to serve God with your whole life. Offer your bodies to Him as a living sacrifice. Serve Him with everything that you have and that will please Him. That is the true way to worship...

Monday Worship: Bow Down Before The Lord

Come, let us bow down and worship Him; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker. He is our God; we are the people He cares for, the flock for which He provides. Psalm 95:6-7a TLB An active effort to close the gap between one’s heart and the God it adores is...

It’s The Lord’s Day. Come Let Us Go Up To The House Of The Lord

Honor the LORD you heavenly beings. Honor the LORD for His majesty and faithfulness. Honor the LORD for the glory of His name. Worship the LORD. Psalm 29:1-2, Adapted The impulse to worship is universal. If you are a Believer, this worship impulse is instinctively...