Yielding Our Birthright For Pottage /3

We are in a series considering the premise of yielding our birthright for pottage. Of trading freedom and personal responsibility for hand-outs and of government as god. The widespread failure of the institutions of civil society has resulted in a breakdown of...

Yielding Our Birthright For Pottage /2

Thinking people are rightly apprehensive of the illiberal trend in the free West, of failed governance everywhere, and of the vision of the future of the WEF and their useful idiots. In the face of this totalitarian assault, a great many are stricken with mass...

Yielding Our Birthright For Pottage /1

“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” Paul of Tarsus In Hoc Anno Domini. In the year of our Lord. Some 2,000 years ago a Light came into the world, and the world has...

One Encounter

When it was time to leave, the Magi returned to their own country by another route, for God had warned them in a dream not to return to Herod. Matthew 2:12 NLT One encounter with Jesus Christ is enough to change someone instantly, forever. Scripture tells us that the...

Our Covenant Prayer For 2024

As God is faithful, so shall we be faithful. We will be God-intentional and in steadfast alignment with Biblical Truth, seeking first the things of the Kingdom. We will be identified with Christ, letting others see Jesus in us. In all these things we shall remember:...