As God is faithful, so shall we be faithful. We will be God-intentional and in steadfast alignment with Biblical Truth, seeking first the things of the Kingdom. We will be identified with Christ, letting others see Jesus in us. In all these things we shall remember:
- We are bondservants of Jesus Christ; imperfect, surrendered, humble, obedient, grateful.
- Physical and mental health are the purest form of wealth and can only be fully achieved in the following sequential order: (i) rest; (ii) exercise; (iii) diet; (iv) nourishment of the Soul; (v) everything else.
- Discipline will take you to places motivation can not.
- Every second counts and there is time only for obedience.
- The question is “Will this bring honor and glory to God?”
- And that we are dispatched daily on the Great Commission to be a witness and a voice, where being a witness is the example of a life lived identified with Christ, and voice is sharing the Good News at the slightest prompting of The Holy Spirit.