Sowing And Reaping: Little Things Matter

Aug 28, 2023

Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. Galatians 6:7 ESV

How many unhealthy or destructive habits have I allowed to accumulate in my life? An eating habit, an exercise habit, a work habit, a spending habit, or some other negative pattern that’s become ingrained in my lifestyle. Small choices along the way now require a level of restraint difficult, if not impossible, to marshal. Worse, far too many of these are sinful behaviors.

But just as little choices lead to debilitating habits, even baby steps of repentance can set up new pathways using the same small steps strategy in reverse. The first step is to acknowledge the stronghold that has been established in my life and my helplessness to change. And rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to enable each step of obedience as He directs. Even the most monstrous of habits can give way to freedom and be replaced with new, Godly habits. One small step at a time.

How serious am I about taking back what these vitiating habits have caused me and those around me? What one small step of obedience would start to change things?

Paraphrased, Atomic Habits, James Clear


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