We love this anecdote.
One day Francis of Assisi gathered his friends at a remote monastery in central Italy. When he asked them about their journeys, each brother had an exciting tale to report. One had been riding his mule across a narrow bridge that spanned a deep gorge. When the mule bolted, the man was nearly thrown into the ravine. He praised God he hadn’t been killed.
Another brother had nearly drowned fording a river but, he said, “God in His grace provided a tree that had fallen across the water. I was able to grasp a branch and pull myself to safety.” Other brothers expressed similar stories of God’s protection.
Then someone asked Francis about his trip. “I experienced the greatest miracle of all,” said the famous friar. “I had a smooth, pleasant, and uneventful journey.”
God’s grace comes in many forms. He blesses, heals, rescues, delivers, helps, and uplifts more times every day than we can count. Thank you Lord.
What a perfect contemplation on which to begin the week.
By His grace, for His glory.