A Thanksgiving Day Prayer, 2022

Nov 24, 2022

God the Father, maker of heaven and earth, by you we have our creation and preservation; we thank you for the great gift of life in your good creation: food to sustain us, sun to enlighten us, air to enliven us, friends and family to make our hearts glad.

God the Son, redeemer of the world, through you we have our redemption from sin and reconciliation with the Father; we thank you for the great gift of new life from the dead, secured for us by your precious death and mighty resurrection.

God the Spirit, sanctifier of the faithful, in you we have our adoption and sanctification; we thank you for the great gift of indwelling power to live holy lives, for the means of grace, and the hope of everlasting glory of which you are the first-fruits.

Holy, blessed, and glorious Trinity, ever one God, we thank you for the manifold blessings of the year that is past. Now we appeal to your grace for truly grateful hearts all our days, that we may bask in your grace and show forth your praise, not only with our lips but with our lives, wholly consecrated to your service, and at the last enter into your everlasting embrace.


Rev. Adam Rick, ‪Chaplain, Hillsdale College


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