Happy are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord. Happy are those who keep his decrees, who seek him with their whole heart. Psalm 119:1-2 A Christian’s first input of the day should not be his email, the IM’s that might have come in...
The unsaved become angry when you tell them the truth. Christians become angry when you lie to us. Defend The Truth. Live The Faith. Advance The Kingdom.
Charles Spurgeon (1835 – 1892) explicates yesterday’s post (Romans 1): “Sinful people do not let the truth work in their hearts. They do not allow it to operate in their minds; instead, they try to make it an excuse for their sins. Some people attend...
We are considering the question “If you knew Jesus was returning tomorrow, what would you do differently today?” Here, for context, is the inspired Word of God written by Paul, somewhere between Corinth and Jerusalem, circa 57 AD: The wrath of God is being...
We interrupt our reverie on prayer to pose this question: If you knew Jesus was returning tomorrow,* what would you do differently today? We will return to the theme of prayer soon enough. But over the next few days we are going to explore the worldview framework for...