God loves it when we pray His Words back to Him. Let’s start with these words from King David, about which C. S. Lewis said: “I take this to be the greatest poem in the Psalter and one of the greatest lyrics in the world.” “The law of the Lord...
The readers of this blog who know us will appreciate the significance of the number 22. So today, February 22, 2022, is indeed special in our house. Consider these “22” verses. “Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman,...
“Much will be required of everyone who has been given much. And even more will be expected of the one who has been entrusted with more.” Luke 13:48b HCSB Winston Churchill once said “The price of greatness is responsibility.” No doubt Churchill...
God has much to say about the Sabbath. He included it in His top ten list. Here He speaks through His prophet Isaiah: “Keep the Sabbath day holy. Don’t pursue your own interests on that day, but enjoy the Sabbath and speak of it with delight as the Lord’s holy...
We have all seen the bumper sticker: “He who dies with the most toys wins.” It’s a cynical statement about our materialistic culture. But there’s another layer of insight there concerning competition. Down to one’s dying day, life is all about comparison and...