A Prayer For Sabbath Rest

Jun 6, 2021

Blessed are You, O Lord our God, King of the universe, Author of Love and Life. You have given us the opportunity to work this past week. The privilege of serving You and Your Kingdom in visible and invisible ways. For the work of our hands and heart, we thank You. We thank You for the things we did out of duty and the things we did out of delight. For projects, demands, chores, sore muscles and acts of kindness. For all that was planned and unplanned. Lord, let it be a sweet aroma to You.

For all that was left undone because of distraction or laziness, forgive us. For all that was left undone because we obeyed the Spirit’s leading, we recognize Your handiwork and give You thanks.

Now, the Sabbath lies before us and we are ready to cross the threshold.  Our Father, Creator of Heaven and earth, you set aside this day of Sabbath rest. A day of devotion and delight, set apart since the beginning of time. You alone release us from the bondage of duty and demand. You bless it. You crown it with glory. You call it holy. Through it, You call us out of darkness into Your love and light. It is to be a day of refreshment and celebration. 

As Your chosen people, we embrace this day of Sabbath rest. In keeping it, we remember You as our Creator and Rescue Redeemer. We do this now, with joy. Enter our home and our hearts today Almighty God. Grant us and our loved ones true rest on this Sabbath day. May Your presence drive out from amongst us anger and fear and worry and regret. Send Your blessing upon us, that we may truly be people of the Word.

Heavenly Father, we rejoice in the beauty of Your creation, the power of Your Word, the redeeming sacrifice of your Son our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ, the presence of Your Holy Spirit, and the love of family and friends. It is from You we receive every good and perfect gift. Open our eyes to see. Giver of Life and Love, grant us Your peace this day and always, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

#identifiedwithChrist #prayer

Adapted from RunHardRestWell.com


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