Christ Of My Failures

Lord, I praise and thank Youfor Your mercifuland transforming hand on my life,particular in the failures. I commit my failuresas well as my successesinto Your hands,and I bring for Your healingthe people and the situations,the wrongs and the hurtsof the past.Give me...

Is God Looking For You?

God is looking for a few good men and women. Men and women who are willing to go against the current of popular opinion, to hold firm convictions in a world where “anything goes,” to speak the truth when it’s not politically correct, and to walk with God when everyone...

Truth And Leftists

Want to understand why leftists are so outraged at being called Neo-Marxists or Socialists? To anger a Conservative tell them a lie. To anger a Leftist, tell them the truth. (Note 1) Note 1) This saying is often attributed to Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt. Much ado is...


Sabbath is a weekly respite from the relentless pressures, problems and pace of life. Listen to King David on the refreshing renewal of rest in God: “The Lord is my Shepherd.I have everything I need.He gives me rest in green pastures.He leads me to calm water.He gives...

We Are Not Promised Tomorrow

This morning, something a little different. But no less profound than the Biblical Worldview commentaries that we regularly post here. The (YouTube) link below is to a thoughtful reflection on death by Dr. Keith Ablow. Dr Ablow is a well-known psychiatrist, author,...