Sabbath Rest

Sabbath is typically thought of as a day of rest, but it should not be absent of purpose.   As we move away from temporal things, we ought to be intentionally moving toward something. A Christian Sabbath celebrates that works don’t save us, the...

Faithful Then. Faithful Now

You make mountains move.You make giants fall.And You use songs of praiseto shake prison walls.I will speak to my fear.I will preach to my doubtYou were faithful then.You will be faithful now. They rode camels and were only just beginning to consider that the world...


It is not the nature of God to reward good deeds, but it is in the character of God to build serendipity and cosmic justice into His Creation. From the #imjustsaying series

Desire Unfulfilled

In his book, Mere Christianity, C. S. Lewis writes on desire, and on the nagging sense that some fulfillment could just be fuller: “If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another...

Faithfulness, Not Success

The lion’s share of world-changing work is done by ordinary people who will never make headlines. They simply live faithful lives where God has placed them. Long obediences in the same direction. They’re the ones who nevertheless shape families, communities,...