Watch for those whom God puts in your path today, remembering the words of Saint Francis of Assisi: “The deeds you do may be the only sermon some persons will hear today.”
There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death. Psalm 14:12 NIV Culture tells us that God is not relevant. That there is no Truth, only your truth and my truth. So then, why do I hold to a Biblical Worldview? The answer is clear. Because I...
One of the way-stations on the journey to a Biblical Worldview is the dawning realization that there may be objective Truth. And that it just may not be the truth to which I currently hold.
Love talked about can be easily turned aside, but love demonstrated is irresistible. W. Stanley Mooneyham The next time you tell someone “I love you,” make sure that person can reply “I know,” because they’ve seen your love in action.