Easter Week

For this Easter Week we will be posting links to the daily messages of Anne Graham Lotz as she follows Jesus’s last days on earth during in his first coming. We will also have some of our own original content on Good Friday, Saturday, and Easter Sunday. Our...

Palm Sunday

This, then, is Palm Sunday, the beginning of the final week of Jesus’s ministry on earth, and the day of His triumphant entry into Jerusalem. It was Passover week. Multitudes were arriving in Jerusalem for the Passover celebration. The significance of the timing...

On Forgiveness

The business of forgiveness is not complete until you’ve let God fashion His love in your heart toward those who have sinned against you, until you have been willing to show them the grace He has extended to you through Christ.

What Now 2 Do: Tactics For Healthy Eating

Hydrate.  Eat real meals with real food. That means fresh, unprocessed food. For the most part, the selection at most grocery stores is still very good.  One of hidden blessings of being homebound more than normal is additional time to plan and prepare nutritious...

What Now 2 Do: Staying Connected

Today you are challenged to make at least two phone calls – at least one of them to someone you haven’t spoken to in a long time. Use the call to catch up on their lives, to see what help they might need, and to provide some humor. For many, social isolation is close...