Angels And Other Winks

Feb 9, 2020

Christian literature is filled with stories of people appearing to help a Christian in need, then never being heard from again. Are such beings real people? Are they angels? Both are documented in Scripture – people and angels sent by the Lord to render guidance, aid, correction, or other necessity to those in need.

King David had sinned grievously but had not confessed his sin to God. That is, not until God sent Nathan, a prophet, to call the king to account. Ultimately, David received Nathan’s rebuke and confessed his sin. The question is, would we? If God sends someone into our lives, or some circumstances, our first response should be, “What are You saying to me, Lord?” Perhaps God is saying nothing in that instance, but perhaps He is. Our attention should be immediately drawn to Him and to His purposes.

Walk soberly today. Be aware of what God may be saying to you through people and events. Let your attention always be drawn to Him and His purposes.


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